At our school we know that students achieve excellent test and examination results. What makes our school special is that we value other qualities and characteristics just as highly as academic success.
We prepare students to become:
Rounded individuals of integrity
Successful in the world of work
Happy and fulfilled young people
Tuesday was our work enrichment day which helped students consider the world of work. Students took part in a wide range of activities designed to encourage reflection on the myriad career opportunities available to them. Thank you very much to Mrs Shakya for organising a wonderful day.
Please could I remind parents, carers and students that all cyclists must wear a helmet and follow road safety rules. We have had reports of some unsafe behaviour and will be monitoring carefully.
Thank you all for your support at the end of a long half-term.
Click here to see what's on next week:
Monday 21 October
Nothing advised
Tuesday 22 October
Nothing advised
Wednesday 23 October
Nothing advised
Thursday 24 October INSET Day
Friday 25 October INSET Day
Autumn Half-term Holiday: Monday 28 October – Friday 1 November 2024
INSET Days for 2024/25
Thursday 24 October 2024
Friday 25 October 2024
Monday 24 February 2025
Thursday 3 July 2025
Every effort is made to ensure these dates are accurate. There are occasions when circumstances beyond our control may result in changes.
Club Links and Further/Higher Education Evening
Our Community Club Links Evening is back on Thursday 14 November!
This is a fantastic opportunity for students to come and explore Sports Clubs and Physical Activity on their doorstep and to gather information from community club representatives.
For more information, please click the button below to view the letter. To sign up, either select the link in the letter, or scan the QR code in the flyer.
We are delighted to also be able to invite our local primary school teachers, students and their families to the event. If this is relevant to you, please complete the Primary School Club Links Google Form.
Congratulations to Amelia W 9SDN/SWT & Imogen W 9BCY who both achieved gold medals at this year's National Taekwondo Competition. They started taekwondo with LMC two years ago and train 5 times a week! They give 100% to every session and, with commitment and passion. As a result, they have both achieved gold medals against competitors from all over England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland. Well done, Amelia and Imogen!
Amelia (left pic), Imogen (right pic)
Huge congratulations to the following students for also qualifying and competing in the National Championships.
Archie D 9DDY
Aaliyah B S 9RLR/HMS
Dorina M 9DDY
Visitors - ID Checks
For the safety of our students and staff, our receptionists check the identification of all visitors to the school. If you are visiting the school for an appointment, please remember to bring some identification with you. Ideally, this will be a photo driving licence or other photo ID, but a bank card or similar will also be acceptable.
Year 11 GCSE Maths: Weekly Practice Paper Homework Launch
In preparation for the GCSE Maths exams in summer 2025, we have recently launched our weekly homework programme of practice papers with our Year 11 students.
Each week, Year 11 students will receive a whole GCSE practice paper to complete over the course of the following week. We operate a “No Gaps” policy - every student is required to complete every question in the paper as directed by their teacher. Some questions may be marked as optional, depending on the group and the simple fact that there are some topics that we have not yet taught.
These papers are not intended to be completed under exam conditions, nor are they intended to be completed in isolation. Students are encouraged, where appropriate, to complete these in collaboration with their peers and to use revision notes, guides or online resources such as Sparx Maths. The class teacher will be marking these papers in line with exam board mark schemes, so it is vital that students show full workings.
Initially, the papers will be challenging as students gain familiarity with the style of the papers and the exam-specific practice of hopping from one topic to another. We firmly believe that the best way to learn Maths is to DO Maths with lots of practice. Research has shown that interleaving topics in this way, has a profound effect on exam performance. We attribute a significant part of our GCSE success over the last few years to the use of these weekly papers and students tell us they REALLY make a difference.
If your child needs help, a hints and tips booklet for each paper is available on the maths website – a link to the appropriate paper will be posted on your child’s Google Classroom. In addition, help is available from subject specialists through support sessions that run every Tuesday after school. Prom points are awarded for attending and making productive use of these sessions.
GCSE Maths revision guides and workbooks continue to be available for sale. These can be purchased on SCOPAY. Sets 1-3 require the Higher tier and Sets 4-5 should refer to the Foundation tier books.
Communicating with us
In case you missed it, we sent a communication to you to let you know that we are experiencing an issue with the EE network phoning the school. This has been escalated with our provider, who in turn have needed to escalate it to BT.
Unfortunately, this has not yet been resolved so we apologise for any inconvenience caused. We continue to work closely with our provider and will update you as soon as possible. In the meantime, if you are on the EE network and need to contact us, please contact us via
Main Pay Scale (Upper Pay Scale will be considered for the right candidate)
Required from January 2025
The Mountbatten School English Faculty is committed to helping all students become happy, confident, curious and knowledgeable learners. Our students experience a range of texts and opportuni...
Over 180 Year 9 Geographers braved all weathers to conduct fieldwork in the New Forest in recent weeks. In the morning, our students completed their physical geography enquiry based at Bolderwood. This involved measuring footpath erosion and vegetation coverage to investigate how humans impact the environment in the New Forest. Following a quick lunch stop, we moved to Lyndhurst where the students completed land-use surveys, traffic counts and questionnaires to investigate the role that tourism plays in the national park.
Our students were a credit to themselves, their families and the school, demonstrating excellent cooperation, curiosity and leadership. Students particularly enjoyed the opportunity to ask members of the public their opinions about tourism in Lyndhurst. We look forward to their follow-up work to complete the enquiry process back in class whilst we explore how we can support sustainable tourism initiatives. Well done, Year 9 and thank you for collaborating so well with the Geography Department!
English Department
English Stars
James K 7TDN
Bobby R 7TDN
Bradley V 8GWT
Isla S 8MAZ
Corey F 9MJS/CEE
Lucy W 9DDY
Charlotte W 10COY
Eva M 10RMN
Media Department
Media Stars
Josh C-W 10COY
Maddy M 10LJS
Robert T 10LJS
Freya D 10JFR
Catherine P 10RGY/SNN
MFL Department
MFL Stars
Emma L 7SCD
Alicja F 7TDN
Dexter C 7EHK
Oliver H 8MAZ
Darcy S 8TIS
Archie D 9DDY
Noah B 9TLS
Bobby Z 10VGN
Hannah P 11HCS
Taya H 11BHT/CFT
Mandarin Stars
Luke E 7EML
Megan C 8GWT
Lorenzo S 8JWS
Tilly U 9TLS
Corin C 9CBN
Rainie C 10VGN
Drama Department
Drama Stars
George H 7VTE
Leon L 7BPY
Max H 8LHG
Amy R 8DCR
Evangeline C-E 9SDN/SWT
Bea E 10RMN
Science Department
Super Scientists
Danny H 7CPE/HOL
Thomas C 8LHG
Julia P 8ERL
Gabriel S S 8JWS
Elliott O 9CBN
James C 10JGO/DDN
Tiffany M 11RCS
Harry A 11RCS
Scott G 11KRL/KMN
Art Department
Fine Art Students
Congratulations to Year 10 Fine Art students who have made an excellent start to coursework. They have approached tasks with maturity and creativity, producing some outstanding studies so far.
Music Department
Elodie P 9SDN/SWT has achieved Piano Beginner Stage 1 with Distinction.
Percussion Academy Drum Kit Exams
The following students have passed Percussion Academy Drum Kit exams –
Evan T 10JFR Grade 3 with Merit
Joseph K 8ERL Grade 2 with Distinction
Charlotte H 8JAD Grade 1 with Distinction
Hampshire Music Service
The following students have been awarded a Hampshire Music Service Certificate of Achievement –
Eleanor K 7EML Stage 4 Flute
Nila F 8GWT Stage 3 Flute
Amy R 8DCR/ESY Stage 3 Flute
History Department
Warner Prize
Congratulations to the following students for receiving a prize or certificate of merit for the RDS Warner Prize for History. They attended the prize ceremony on Monday evening.
Year 8
Emma C 8MAZ: 3rd
Leo W 8ERL: 2nd
Lilja I 8KGK: 1st
Charlie M 8DCR/ESY: Certificate of Merit
Dexter R 8ERL: Certificate of Merit
Eliana B 8LHG: Certificate of Merit
Kira P 8TIS: Certificate of Merit
Indiana F 8JWS: Certificate of Merit
Pippa L 8TIS: Certificate of Merit
Leon G 8GWT: Certificate of Merit
Charlotte H 8JAD: Certificate of Merit
Alisha A 8LHG: Certificate of Merit
Jessie C 8TIS: Certificate of Merit
Ellis S 8JAD: Certificate of Merit
Toby L 8LHG: Certificate of Merit
Ben C 8MAZ: Certificate of Merit
Darcy S 8TIS: Certificate of Merit
Isaac C 8KGK: Certificate of Merit
Henry V 8MAZ: Certificate of Merit
Year 9
Anna L 9BCY: 3rd
Martha H 9DDY: 2nd
Lucy W 9DDY: 1st
Chloe M 9PSN: Certificate of Merit
Sampson B 9DDY: Certificate of Merit
Paul B 9TLS: Certificate of Merit
Alice C 9PSN: Certificate of Merit
Elliot O 9CBN: Certificate of Merit
Evie W 9LHK/EBT: Certificate of Merit
Emily-Mae E 9DDY: Certificate of Merit
Emily N 9BCY: Certificate of Merit
Jasmine B 9RLR/HMS: Certificate of Merit
Jacob B 9BCY: Certificate of Merit
James M 9MJS/CEE: Certificate of Merit
Becca N 9DDY: Certificate of Merit
Artistic Merit
Ben C 8MAZ: 3rd
Dexter R 8ERL: 2nd
Pippa L 8TIS: 1st
Charlotte H 8JAD: Special Prize for Creativity
Click the drop-down menus below to find out more about different careers opportunities coming up for our students.
College Open Events
19 October: Itchen College
Year 10 and 11 Work Experience Law
Young professionals have organised another fantastic opportunity for students looking to get an insight into the legal profession whilst hearing from some really incredible speakers we have lined up.
In particular we have Baroness Hale of Richmond (Lady Hale), Former President of the UK Supreme Court delivering a session on her time within the legal profession and what it was like being the president at the highest possible position within the UK legal field. This will be one of the very few times when students from across the UK will get an audience with Lady Hale during a law experience like this. On top of this, students will also hear from barristers, corporate solicitors and other legal representatives. To register, click here.
Full details can be found in the Careers Google Classrooms for Year 10 and 11.
Year 10 Work Experience - Women in Engineering with BAE Systems
Our apprenticeship insight programme introduces girls to BAE Systems, engineering, and our early careers programmes.
Taking place over four days throughout January 2025, students will have the opportunity to learn more about us, gain hands-on experience, and visit our sites. There will also be opportunities to meet our current engineering apprentices, who will provide insights into their role and share their experience.
Following the experience, students could be offered a full-time position on one of our engineering apprenticeships, starting in Autumn 2025.
Portsmouth dates are expected to be: 13, 22, 27 and 29 January 2025. Dates subject to final confirmation. More details can be found here.
RSHE (Relationships, Sex, & Health Education) is taught by Tutors to their Tutor Group once a week. Tutors deliver discussion-based lessons which allow our students to explore a range of topics to effectively prepare our young people for success in the modern world with the knowledge, understanding and desire to keep themselves safe, happy, healthy, respectful and tolerant. Our aim is to empower them with the resilience and confidence to make a difference to their own and others’ future.
Year 7
This half-term, Year 7 will be looking at how to deal with starting secondary school, dealing with change and how to develop more self-confidence. They will also explore how friendships form, may change and develop as well as how communication is a valuable tool to manage friendships. Year 7 will then look at how to show empathy, compassion and care.
Year 8
Year 8 will be starting with identifying their personal strengths and achievements. They will then explore personal safety and move on to looking at the meaning of discrimination and prejudice and what protective characteristics are. After this, they will learn about Black History month and gender identity before discussing attitudes towards mental health.
Year 9
Year 9 will be looking at what a healthy relationship is and how to recognise the features of them. They will explore the meaning of commitment within a range of different relationships and the meaning of consent. Once they understand the meaning of consent they will consider the types of freedom and capacity to consent before moving on to exploring families, marriage and changes within relationships and families.
Year 10
Year 10 will be discussing the values required to secure positive relationships and what choices each individual has within their relationships. This includes intimate and platonic relationships, in-person and online. Negative behaviours such as pressure and coercion is then covered to build on the consent lessons delivered in Year 9. Victim blaming and positive role models are then explored.
Year 11
Year 11 will be exploring stereotypes and individual identities, including gender. They will consider their own ambitions and aspirations before hearing from some colleges in readiness for their post-16 applications. They will then recap the need for good sleep hygiene and how to deal with different emotions ahead, in the context of the exam year ahead.
Should your child wish to seek support related to any of these topics or about anything else that is worrying them, please advise them to speak to their form tutor in the first instance or request some support from our Student Support Team by completing the Student Support form on the student area of the school website.
We have our reporting system 'TootToot', where students can report anonymously or with their name.
Childline also offers a range of support and resources.
Absolute Tennis - Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9
We are pleased to be continuing the tennis club through Absolute Tennis after half term. The sessions will start on Tuesday 5 November and are run by LTA qualified coach, Jeremy Westcott. This club starts straight after school and is a great opportunity for your child to get expert instruction from a qualified coach on the school tennis courts.
There are only a few places left, so if you are interested, click the button below to register, book and pay.
Please note, if your child is already in the class there is no need to rebook.
Adult Taster Session
Absolute Tennis is running a FREE adult taster session at Knightwood Leisure Centre on Wednesday 23 October from 10.00am - 11.00am. This is a fun opportunity to see if tennis could be your new hobby for 2025! Use the link below to register.
Please note all calls both to and from the school are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.
October Holiday Camp
Bookings are open for the Personal Best Activity Camp in October half-term. We have loads of great activities planned, including pumpkin decorating, scavenger hunts as well as our firm favourite, the giant inflatable obstacle course!
For more information and to book, click the button below.
Join the Personal Best's fitness suite today from just £14.95 per month and benefit from a 10% discount off our fitness classes and personal training sessions! Start your journey to a healthier you.
For further information and to sign up, click the button below.