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Pupil Premium Grant

What is the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG)


Pupil Premium funding was introduced in April 2011 as additional funding to the main school budget to support Looked After Children (LAC), those children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), service children, those who are adopted from care and those who need additional literacy or numeracy support. It is up to the school to determine how the funding is used, but its primary aim is to support some of our more vulnerable learners. As a school we continually strive to ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all our students. Not all of these students are eligible for FSM and so the school will at times use the funding to support a wider range of students who have been identified as vulnerable or disadvantaged in some way.

There is a Pupil Premium Policy which is reviewed regularly by governors.  It is available to download at the bottom of the page.

Use of Pupil Premium Grant

Our Annual Pupil Premium Report explains how we have used this additional resource, its impact, and our future plans.  It is available to download at the bottom of the page.

Examples of Curriculum Provision:

  • Accelerated Reader
  • College courses
  • Supporting the costs of extra-curricular activities e.g. music tuition
  • Funding identified students' essential school visits which form part of the curriculum
  • Easter Revision/May half term revision sessions.

Examples of additional 1-1 support:

  • 1-1 SEN/Maths/English
  • Additional Transition Support
  • Uniform grant and hardship fund
  • Additional Student Support and Guidance - curriculum and pastoral
  • Additional attendance support - internal and external agencies
  • Some personalised provision
  • ELSA Support
  • School Counsellor.


It is the Headteacher's responsibility to produce termly reports to the Governors' School Improvement Committee, highlighting progress and impact. Pupil Premium is now a standing item on Governor Agendas.

Parental Contact

Any parental queries regarding the Pupil Premium Grant should be directed to Mr Davenport, Assistant Headteacher.